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We are the Aquarian Elven, the ushers of the new grand cycle in the constelation of Aquarius. 


These changes have been known in earth for a long long time and have been awaited by your elders which still live in your jungles and secret places unexplored in the earth.


We are here to assist you should you choose to take our assistance for there is free will in this cosmos.


You are welcome to explore this site where we have put a number of suggestions on how you can attain the changes that are needed for your own happiness.

Magic is proportional to the amount of life force an individual has. An individual can only have as much magic as it is permitted by his/her level of life force.

'Humanity's Real History'


Having to work “hard” was not in their mind. Why strive when you can have fun?

'Humanity's Real History'

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